Your guide to the best children's bike trailers

Our top picks for the best children's bike trailers whether you just want to tow, go for a run too, have lots of kit or children to transport, or prefer shredding the trails.

Couple ride away from camera with child in trailer
(Image credit: Getty Images)

A bike trailer is a great way to ride with your kids and normalise life on two wheels. Not only is are the best bike trailers a great way to carry a single child, they're a great option if you have more than one small person or the supermarket shopping / picnic / camping kit to transport too.

Of course, trailers aren’t your only option to transport your child by bike. You can choose from the best bicycle child seats, best electric cargo bikes or even their own best balance bike or the best kids’ bike. Whichever you go for, don’t forget to check out our best kids’ bike helmets guide too.

Rachel has been writing about and reviewing bike tech for the last 10 years. Cynical by nature, Rachel never really trusts the marketing hype and prefers to give products a mighty good testing before deciding whether they're worth buying or not. 

Rachel's first riding love is mountain biking where she's been European and UK 24hr Champion on more than one occasion. She's not just confined to the trails though and regularly rides - and occasionally races - on gravel and road too.