Best mirrors for bicycles: a guide to handlebar and helmet-mounted bicycle mirrors for Road, Gravel & E-bikes

Bike mirrors make it easier and safer to ride on busy roads, whether you are commuting to work or out on a training ride

a bicycle mirror looking showing clearly what is coming from behind
Be safe and see what is coming
(Image credit: Rachel Sokal)

There is more to staying safe on a bicycle than bike lights and safety equipment like helmets and high-visibility jackets. That is why things like hazard perception, understanding navigation and reading the road are big parts of the modern driving test.

Bicycle mirrors, just like the mirrors of a car offer another aid to improve awareness and visibility around you without having to take your eyes off the road ahead.

Rachel has been writing about and reviewing bike tech for the last 10 years. Cynical by nature, Rachel never really trusts the marketing hype and prefers to give products a mighty good testing before deciding whether they're worth buying or not. 

Rachel's first riding love is mountain biking where she's been European and UK 24hr Champion on more than one occasion. She's not just confined to the trails though and regularly rides - and occasionally races - on gravel and road too.

With contributions from