I recently discovered that flares aren’t the best thing to cycle in - thankfully I had a scrunchie in my hair

Cycling Weekly columnist, Emmie Harrison-West, is determined to prove that Lycra does not make you a cyclist

Female cyclist pushes cargo bike
The right clothing for cycling in is anything that makes you feel comfortable, says Emmie
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Spying the beach on the horizon, I smiled. There was something about cycling to the ocean that made all my worries seem so insignificant.

"How can you worry about something so small in comparison to something so big?"

Portrait of freelance writer Emmie Harrison-West
Emmie Harrison-West

Emmie Harrison-West is a freelance journalist, editor and award-winning beer writer, who will be penning a column for Cycling Weekly every fortnight. You can find her cursing Edinburgh's cycle lanes on the way to the pub, or as @emmieehw on X.

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Emmie Harrison-West
Freelance journalist

Emmie Harrison-West is a freelance journalist, editor and award-winning beer writer. You can find her cursing Edinburgh's cycle lanes on the way to the pub, or as @emmieehw on X.